Pacific Islands

Kiribati Climate Smart Agriculture Project empowers business operators

August 21, 2024 9:00 am

[Source: Supplied]

14 business operators in Tarawa, Kiribati went through a financial literally training that empowered and enhanced their business knowledge and entrepreneurship skills.

Led by the Global Green Growth Institute through its Kiribati Climate Smart Agriculture (KCSA) project in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development (MELAD) – participants were able to possess the behaviour needed to help elevate their financial decisions while supporting sustainability. This was achieved through learning reliable business recording, reporting and data interpretation.

The results of the training included these business operators having a clear understanding of how to maintain an accurate complete cashbook recording templates and maintain consistent business records. Including understanding the connection between maintaining detailed business records and achieving strategic business goals, leading to improved proposal success and business growth.

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[Source: Supplied]

In addition, the business operators were successfully equipped with the knowledge needed for managing customer databases effectively and utilizing automation tools for quotes and invoices, resulting in better customer relationship management.

One of the participants’ Terinan Toromon says she found the training timely and useful.

“The training was good, and it helped me with financial knowledge for business expansion and recording. It was even more interesting as it expanded my reporting and recording skills and with the discussion on the tax invoices and taxation generally”

The participants are grant recipients which were funded by the Qatar Fund for Development KCSA.The workshop is sponsored by the GGGI-UK Climate Finance & Absorption Project.

GGGI is focused on enhancing the capacity and institutional capability of Pacific nations to access climate finance and deliver impactful climate programs.