
Democrats urge Biden to Quit, he vows to fight

July 20, 2024 9:50 am

President Joe Biden [Source: Reuters]

President Joe Biden vowed to continue his reelection campaign even as more fellow Democrats in Congress urged him to end his floundering campaign, fearing that it could cost the party dearly in the Nov. 5 election.

More than one in 10 congressional Democrats have now publicly called on the 81-year-old incumbent — who is isolating at his Delaware home with a case of COVID — to drop out following a disastrous June debate against Republican Donald Trump that raised questions about Biden’s ability to win or to carry out his duties for another four years.

Biden remained defiant, saying he would resume campaigning soon.

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The divide among Democrats stood in sharp contrast to the scenes that played out this week at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where former party rivals united around Trump, who accepted the Republican nomination in a rambling speech that featured his familiar mix of grievance and bombast.

So far, 32 of the 264 Democrats in Congress have openly called for Biden to end his campaign, while other senior Democratic leaders have pushed him behind the scenes to do so, according to sources and media reports.

Democrats are increasingly worried about a Republican sweep in the Nov. 5 election that could leave Trump and his allies not only in charge of the White House but also with majorities in both chambers of Congress.’

Lofgren is a close ally of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, one of the most influential Democrats. Pelosi has not publicly called on Biden to drop out but has privately told him he cannot win, according to a White House source speaking on condition of anonymity.