Twelve-year-old Katrina Verma, a student at Makoi Muslim Primary School, is learning valuable life skills through Taekwondo.
Motivated by her mother, Katrina joined the martial arts to build self-defense skills, discipline, and mental resilience while staying physically healthy.
“My mother encouraged me to take part in learning self-defense, discipline, and how to control my mental health. She also reminded me that exercise helps prevent diseases.”
Taekwondo grandmaster Andy Rutten spoke about the importance of teaching children the basics at a young age.
“Young kids absorb a lot, and it’s good to start early so they can develop better as they grow.”
Rutten also mentioned the importance of giving children room to explore and learn.
“These kids need their own space to make mistakes and discover themselves. They shouldn’t be corrected all the time—it’s part of their growth.”
Through Taekwondo, Katrina and her peers are gaining not only physical fitness but also the confidence and discipline to face life’s challenges.