
Weightlifting potential for gold

August 6, 2024 6:43 am

From left: Zion Tokona, Taniela Rainibogi and Nehemiah Elder [Source: Weightlifting Fiji]

Weightlifting coach Henry Elder believes that the talent pool under his guidance has the potential to win Fiji’s first-ever gold medal in individual events at the Olympics.

He emphasizes that their training regimen has been rigorous over the years, with breaks only during Christmas before resuming on Boxing Day.

Elder is optimistic about developing more lifters ready for the next Olympic Games.

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“We’re putting our name out there, we want to lift the flag for our country, I just hope that the country can see this and reach out to these athletes, they’re hardworking, they’re very dedicated and the hardest training you can ever see – you should come see this platform. I invite anyone who wants to challenge us and see the type of work that we do.”

He highlights the dedication of his athletes, noting that many have overcome significant hardships, with some walking daily from Nakasi to attend their two to three training sessions a day.

Meanwhile, Weightlifting Fiji is gearing up for the Commonwealth Weightlifting Championships, set to be held at the Vodafone Arena on September 17th.

The organization has been allocated a $1.4 million budget to host the competition.