
We want to go one better: Fuli

June 25, 2024 12:58 pm

Fiji Airways women's 7s coach Saiasi Fuli

Fiji Airways women’s 7s coach Saiasi Fuli says they are looking at going one better at this year’s Paris Olympics.

The side had secured a bronze in the last Olympics in Tokyo, Japan.

Fuli says they are working towards a better outing this year and they have a talent pool that he believes can get the job done.

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“That’s always the ambition and the objective for this one. We had a good tournament in Tokyo and that was bronze so our objective is to go one up and stand in the podium and that is the message that is with us for the past two years.”

He adds this is a difficult week for the team as they will be dropping another five players which will make it only 15 representing the country.

The final squad will depart our shores next week for a week long camp in Paris.

The Olympics will begin on the 26th of next month.