
Teamwork is the key: Loganimasi

June 27, 2024 12:40 pm

Fiji 7s rep Ponipate Loganimasi [front] during one of their training sessions

Fiji 7s rep Ponipate Loganimasi says they’re following a plan but it’ll be effective if the players work together.

Team bonding is something they’re building on because according to the Uluinakau Babas skipper because it has been missing for some time.

Loganimasi says the gold medal can only be won through teamwork and coach Osea Kolinisau has made that clear to the team.

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“We are all working together as a team because our target is to win as a team, we have to be on the same page if we are to defend our gold but all comes down to working together as a group.”

Kolinisau will trim his squad to 15 today which means five players are not going to make the trip to France for the Olympic Games.

15 players will travel to Paris but only 13 are going to the Games village on July 18.

Two players will be in Paris as injury covers.

The national side will leave our shores on Monday for France.