
Kolinisau mentally prepared to trim squad today

June 27, 2024 6:56 am

Today is one of the most challenging and difficult days in Osea Kolinisau’s life as the Fiji 7s coach will let five players know that they’re not going to Paris for the Olympic Games.

The national coach has been preparing himself mentally this week as he’ll try to leave emotions out of the equation when he informs the five players of his decision.

Kolinisau says it’s one of the toughest jobs to do as a coach but if it was allowed, he would have taken 20 players to players to France.

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“I love being a coach but I hate this opportunity where I have to tell players you know you’re not going, you’re going because I know that feeling and when I tell them I feel so bad because I’ve been a player myself knowing the feeling of getting dropped or not making the team is a pill to swallow, you can say coach it’s ok I’m alright with it but deep down inside it creates a huge hole in someone knowing that they’ve given their best.”

15 players will travel to Paris but only 13 are going to the Games village on July 18.

Two players will be in Paris as injury covers.

The national side will leave our shores on Monday for France.