
Emotional moment for Nukunawa to witness her sons play in Olympics

July 27, 2024 4:50 pm

It was an incredibly emotional day for Iosefo Masi and Filipe Sauturaga’s mom, Aqela Nukunawa, as she watched her two sons proudly represent Fiji in the Paris Olympics 7s quarterfinals yesterday.

She shared that while it was a deeply moving moment for her, she is thankful to have the opportunity to witness such a special occasion.

Leaving Taveuni to support her two sons is a decision Masi and Sauturaga’s mother will never regret.

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“It was a joyous moment for us to see Filipe Sauturaga run out onto the field in the quarterfinals. We kept shouting and were really happy. For me as their mom, it was emotional to see them side by side in the scrum. I am just so happy to see them playing together in this Olympic.”

Iosefo Masi [Source: World Rugby]

Nukunawa revealed that Masi called them to seek their blessing before they entered the games village last week.

“I communicate with my sons often. The day before Masi left for the games village, he called and messaged, seeking forgiveness if he had upset us in any way. We told him that we forgave him and allowed him to play burden-free.”

Masi’s dad, Atonio Kawakawa reminisced about the moment they received the news of their selection into the squad, saying that it was a proud moment.

“It was the happiest moment of our lives when we learned they had been named in the squad. As parents, we never dreamt of witnessing such happy moments while they were growing up. I usually tell Masi, the reason we are here is because of you. We left the village, our land, and everything to come and support you and your dreams.”

Masi is expected to run out again tomorrow when they face Australia in the semifinals at 2am.

He is hopeful to bag his second Olympic gold medal in Paris.