Schools Rugby

Deans U17 winner to tour Japan

August 28, 2024 4:39 pm

Ratu Kadavulevu School Under-17 side

Fiji Secondary School Rugby Union vice president Savenaca Muamua says the Ratu Kadavulevu School Under-17 side will be touring Japan for the SANIX World Youth Rugby Tournament.

According to Muamua, the under-17 winners of the Vodafone Deans Trophy competition are given the opportunity to attend the tournament.

However, he says the school still has to wait for the invite to compete.

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“Last year, MGM won, and they travelled to Japan this year, and I believe RKS, since they also won the under-17 will also await the invitation from Japan. Having this tour, it will be a good exposure for the school, the zone they represent. Also, good exposure for the families who will be supporting them.”

He also says the experience will be very valuable for the players, who will be featuring in the under-18 grade next year for the dean’s competition.

Last year’s under-17 winner, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial School, attended the tournament.

He says the experience at the tournament will certainly help RKS with their quest for the Deans under-18 title next year.