Pacific Games

Traditional welcome for 24 nations

November 17, 2023 6:53 am

The 24 participating nations at the Pacific Games were traditionally welcomed yesterday in Honiara by the Premier of Guadalcanal Province ahead of the Pacific Games.

10,000 taros were brought in from around the province as part of the ceremony along with pigs and shell money.

It was the biggest number of taros to be part of a traditional ceremony of welcome for a delegation in the history of Guadalcanal.

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Pacific Games Council President Vidya Lakhan informed the teams that they’ll need to finish the taros before they leave the Solomon Islands.

Pacific Games Council President, Vidya Lakhan

Lakhan also reminded athletes and officials of their roles for the next two weeks.

“We’re the guests of the Premier and the people of his province for the next two weeks, what we want for each one of us is to be good guests of our hosts, respecting their culture, their tradition, their people, their city and their environment.”

Chef De Missions were presented with shell money.

Chef de Mission Ajay Ballu wearing the shell money

The Games start today but will officially be opened on Sunday.

Team Fiji

Our men’s volleyball team will meet defending champions Tahiti at 8 tonight.