Pacific Games

Nayacalevu and Vakalalabure represent Fiji in Honiara

November 17, 2023 6:46 am

Senior sports officials from the Pacific gathered in Honiara, Solomon Islands yesterday for an important meeting.

Fiji was represented by Permanent Secretary for Youth and Sports, Rovereto Nayacalevu, and Fiji Sports Council Acting chief executive Gilbert Vakalalabure.

The duo attended the South Pacific Sport Senior Officials Meeting which is a significant gathering of representatives from the region aimed at fostering collaboration and cooperation in the field of sports.

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Delegates discussed key issues, share best practices, and explore opportunities for future partnerships.

Nayacalevu and Vakalalabure’s participation in the meeting highlights the Ministry’s commitment to fostering strong partnerships with regional stakeholders and aligning efforts to harness the potential of sports as a tool for social development and empowerment.