
Exciting times ahead for Tuwai Boxing Promotions

November 9, 2023 4:37 pm

[Source: Tuwai Boxing]

Tuwai Boxing Promotions is currently embarking on an exciting journey to uplift the boxing standard in the country.

Under the guidance of Promotions manager, Alan Kumar, the focus has shifted towards the grooming and training of boxers.

Kumar says a comprehensive plan is being devised to nurture the boxing, including training stints overseas.

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He says by exposing them to international training facilities and renowned boxing experts, the boxers will gain invaluable experiences and knowledge that will contribute to their progress in the ring.

“Two boxes from Fiji I’ll be taking them to the US and to train under a well-known boxer…world champions. I can’t take his name at the moment. He want to take these two boxes to build them.”

Kumar emphasizes that the boxers will need to step up and prove themselves if they aspire to be part of the development program.

He adds the selection process will be rigorous, ensuring that only the most dedicated and promising boxers under the Tuwai Promotion banner, will be part of this endeavour.

Kumar says they will begin by selecting two boxers, including a renowned boxer to kick-start the initiative.