
22 national records for Powerlifting

September 20, 2024 11:30 am

[Source: Supplied]

A total of 22 national records were shattered at the Fiji Powerlifting Federation’s National Powerlifting Championship over the weekend at the University of the South Pacific Fitness Centre.

The competition saw 11 records broken in both the men’s and women’s divisions, highlighting the growing talent in the sport.

Over 45 athletes participated, with a notable rise in female, sub-junior and junior lifters, marking a bright future for powerlifting in Fiji.

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President Viliame Lagonilakeba has highlighted that there has been a spike in interest in the sport and this is also the first time this many records have been broken.

“For our competitions, it’s usually one or two records but because of the growth of the sport from 2017, I believe there was a gap in the sport from 2010 to 2017 and when the federation was resurrected there has been a steady growth.”

He adds that it’s amazing how they went even past 10 records.

Lagonilakeba says the event was conducted with strict adherence to international standards, helping athletes prepare for global competitions.

As the Federation shifts its focus to the Oceania Powerlifting Championship in Nauru this October, they are working with the Fiji Sports Commission to finalize and fund the team.

The president is calling for further support as Fiji continues its rapid rise in the sport.