
Youth engagement vital for sustainable land use

September 24, 2024 6:30 am

Engaging communities in land management fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, leading to better decision-making and stewardship of resources.

This was stressed by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources, Dr. Raijeli Taga, stating that youths need to equip themselves with proper knowledge regarding land usage.

She adds that the ministry is facing issues related to a shortage of land for development purposes, which poses threats to the utilization of land by businesses for development.

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“We are vast ocean states. We do not have much land that we can sustainably develop. Whatever we do on land ends up being the ocean, and it affects us again. So, what I can advise the students now is to pursue land management with the vision of being practical.”

Taga adds that youth can effectively engage with their communities, helping to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable land management practices.

She says that by collaborating with youth, the Ministry of Land can enhance its research efforts, ensuring that land management strategies are inclusive, innovative, and sustainable for future generations.