
Yalobi village opens evacuation center

August 28, 2024 2:30 pm

The retrofit Yalobi Village Evacuation Centre in Yasawa was officially opened today, marking a significant advancement in disaster preparedness for the region.

Speaking at the opening Assistant Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management, Jovesa Vocea lauds the new facility as a major achievement in the village’s development goals, particularly in enhancing safety and coordination during disasters.

Vocea emphasizes the strategic importance of the centre, given Yalobi Village’s vulnerability to natural calamities such as cyclones, flooding, and severe weather events.

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Vocea states the importance of having a secure refuge for residents during emergencies.

He describes the Evacuation Centre as a “beacon of preparedness and safety,” highlighting its role as a sanctuary offering both protection and peace of mind to all who seek shelter.

The United Nations Development Programme Governance for Resilience Project (UNDP Gov4Res) donated $32,706 under the Risk-Informed Development initiative.

This is a top-up funding mechanism, complementing Governments contribution of $29,433 to give a total investment of $62,139 towards the retrofitting of this existing facility.