Xinfa Aurum Explorations is currently working within the ambits of laws and regulations with regards to rehabilitating areas already mined says Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Filimoni Vosarogo.
Vosorogo visited the Nawailevu site in Bua yesterday, which had ceased mining operations two years ago.
The mined area covers approximately 185.54 hectares of land.
Vosarogo says the land has been replenished by the company with their rehabilitation program, which involves the planting of 160,000 pine trees.
Of course, we have to ensure the license and conditions are adhered to and maintained. From the briefing I has from MRD on this trip, Xinfa has ticked the boxes in as afar as the rehabilitation is concerned.
The mining lease for Nawailevu is undergoing a closure process.
The land will then be handed back to the Mataqali Naita and Mataqali Naicobo of Nawailevu.
Vosarogo says the landowners stand to benefit from the rehabilitation as the pine trees could be worth around 4 million dollars.