
Women talk revolution of ideas

July 31, 2024 12:00 pm

[Source: Parliament of Fiji/ Facebook]

The 2024 Mock Parliament, featuring 58 women from varied backgrounds, provided a platform for their voices to be heard.

As the mock parliament comes to an end today, participants discussed issues ranging from maternal care to local infrastructure.

Women’s Mock Parliament Speaker, Adi Litia Cakobau Nailatikau who is yet to decide on joining politics herself, expressed her hopes to support great leadership in the 2026 general election.

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“To that, I don’t know if that’s something that I truly aspire to at the moment but it’s something that I will work to be prepared for should that come for to support a women leader in that role or myself in that role.”

Nailatikau who is the daughter of former president and parliament speaker Ratu Epeli Nailatikau and lawyer Adi Koila Nailatikau says she was guided by her parents who have both been in parliamentary roles.

[Source: Parliament of Fiji/ Facebook]

She says the first thing her father told her was to understand the standing order, understand the rule book and respect the members in the room.

Opposition Member of Parliament Jone Usamate who has been a member of parliament for over eight years now says the mock parliament session has shed light on what Fiji’s Parliament is missing due to the underrepresentation of women.

[Source: Parliament of Fiji/ Facebook]

It just reveals itself, the quality of what we’re missing out on when women are not fully engaged. So I think the idea to have this mock parliament allows them to have a taste of what it is and I think when they do come on board they give a new perspective in looking at things

58 women from diverse backgrounds are part of the three-day women’s mock parliament with 56 members of parliament, a secretary general, and a speaker of parliament.

The mock parliament has been revived after seven years to empower aspiring politicians and national leaders.