
Women and elders vital for progress says Boseiwaqa

July 24, 2024 6:17 am

Women have been the main agents of change in Serua Province for many years and will continue to be in the future.

This was highlighted by Serua Provincial Council Chair Tevita Boseiwaqa when asked about what the province is doing to empower and provide opportunities for females.

Boseiwaqa says women play an important role in driving change and development, especially in rural settings.

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He adds that involving women in these processes will encourage significant progress.

“Women play an important role in driving development in rural areas, so we need to focus on that and also consider how best to engage the elderly.”

Boseiwaqa further explains that they are involving the older generation to help impart knowledge to the current generation.

He emphasizes that tapping into the wisdom of the elders can be crucial for advancing change and development in the province.

“Most of them, with their experience, can contribute greatly. We need to find ways to engage them, as older individuals often possess valuable wisdom. This is all part of our planning process.”

Serua Province is working on a strategic plan that will outline several initiatives to improve and sustain development in the area.