
White paper focuses on China-US rivalry in the region

September 24, 2024 12:54 pm

[Source: Fiji Government/Facebook]

Fiji’s foreign policy is being put to the test like never before as the world order shifts rapidly.

While launching Fiji’s first Foreign Policy White Paper yesterday, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Sitiveni Rabuka reiterated this point and stated that the major obstacles that Fiji must overcome is balancing its place in the Indo-Pacific.

The Prime Minister believes the region is becoming more and more defined by the escalating rivalry between China and the United States of America.

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Rabuka states that Fiji has long relied on a stable international order led by the US, but he claims that era is fading.

“In its place is this complicated competition for primacy between the United States and China, played out more sharply in our Indo-Pacific region. At its most basic, China aspires to become the predominant power in the region.”

The Prime Minister acknowledges that Fiji, like many Pacific Island countries must carefully balance its relationships with both superpowers while protecting its sovereignty.

Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Dr Lesikimacuata Korovavala says the document provides clarity, direction and agility for the government to work in unison in shaping state-run foreign positions and pursuing long-term interests.

“This complementarity enhances the springboard for stewardship and coordination within the next 10 years and beyond. As the Ministry’s Strategic and Operations Plans have also been developed, today’s launch has opened the way forward.”

As the global order continues to shift, Fiji’s leadership will face tough decisions on how to engage with both the U.S. and China without compromising its independence or prosperity.