
We are facing a dire situation says Tabuya

August 21, 2024 6:42 am

[Source: Lynda Tabuya/ Facebook]

Minister for Women Lynda Tabuya has revealed that the majority of perpetrators of violence against women and girls in Fiji are iTaukei.

Tabuya highlights that according to the latest statistics from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, 90 percent of these perpetrators are family members.

Tabuya says that while two out of three women experience some form of violence in their lifetime, the situation for children is even more concerning.

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“So imagine if you are in a gathering with children, where there is a group of six children, five out of six children are facing some form of abuse. So it’s much related to the violence against women. As you would know and understand, it is usually in the same setting. When a woman is facing violence, the child is also facing violence.”

[Source: Lynda Tabuya/ Facebook]

Speaking at the opening of the Deep-Dive High-Level Dialogue yesterday, Tabuya urged the leaders to use their influence to challenge harmful cultural practices and beliefs that perpetuate violence.

She emphasizes that the Fiji National Action Plan, launched in 2023, can only succeed with collective effort.

“As traditional leaders, we see your influence like the roots of the mighty Baka tree. Just as those roots spread wide and deep, holding the soil together and nourishing the tree, your actions and decisions have the power to transform. You have the power to hold our communities together nourish a culture of respect and create a safe space for our women and children.”

Tabuya also highlights that systemic barriers, including social and traditional norms and economic disparities exacerbated by climate change, contribute to the violence against women and children in Fiji.