
Water rationing to begin in parts of Ba

August 21, 2024 4:36 pm

[Source: WAF/ Facebook]

The Water Authority will be carrying out valve operations to ration supply to the customers fed from the Balevuto system in Ba.

This as the Balevuto Water System is experiencing low raw water flows from the Waica Creek to the Balevuto Water Treatment Plant due to the below-average rainfall experienced in the dam catchment and current prolonged dry weather affecting Fiji.

WAF says the reduction in raw water flows from the dam to the water treatment plant has impacted production and treated water levels at the reservoir, affecting water supply to the customers within the Balevuto System.

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Water Authority Acting Chief Operating officer Samuela Rokovaleusa says they are actively monitoring the situation.

“Most of the raw water sources that WAF relies on are impacted due to the dry weather conditions that are affecting most parts of Fiji, as well as reduced rainfall that is needed to recharge the natural life cycle of the water sources we draw from. WAF are continuously working around the clock in activating water conservation practices in its water sources through a more vigilant monitoring of valve operations, pump stations and setting up of temporary cofferdams.”

WAF says to temporarily alleviate the situation and support the water production capability, it will be carrying out valve operations to ration the supply to the customers fed from the Balevuto system from 10pm to 4am daily.

[Source: WAF/ Facebook]

WAF says the valve operations will allow WAF to recover adequate water levels at the dam and water production during the off-peak hours at night and have sufficient storage levels to meet the peak day demand.

Affected areas include, Nukuloa, Vatusui, Toge, Balevuto, Tabataba, Naruku, Moto Top and Barbriban.

WAF is urging customers to minimize water use for irrigation such as watering lawns, vegetables and tobacco farms until the situation and water supply normalizes.

It is also encouraging customers to invest in storage containers or water tanks connected to the water system for storage and backup water supply.

Water carting trucks will be on standby to service the affected areas during the temporary disruption period.