
Waqanivalu fired by WHO

April 25, 2023 1:51 pm

Doctor Temo Waqanivalu [Source: You Tube]

A Fijian doctor, Doctor Temo Waqanivalu has been fired by the World Health Organization after being accused on three separate instances of sexual misconduct over five years.

The WHO did not provide details about its findings but the action comes only s six months after the medic, Rosie James accused Waqanivalu of groping her buttocks and touching her breasts during networking drinks at the World Health Summit in Berlin, Germany last year.

WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyesus says he was horrified by the accusations and says the agency has “zero tolerance” for sexual assault.

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The Associated Press in January named Waqanivalu in a case of alleged sexual misconduct against Rosie James, a young doctor who encountered him at a World Health Summit event in Berlin last year.

James had reported the incident publicly without naming him in October. The AP also reported that the WHO had been aware of a previous allegation of sexual misconduct against Dr Waqanivalu but allowed him to stay in the job and explore the chances of running for the WHO’s top job in its western Pacific region.