
WAF warns Suva of possible water disruptions

August 15, 2024 9:30 am

[Source: Water Authority of Fiji / Facebook]

The Water Authority of Fiji warns that hundreds of residents benefiting from the Tamavua Water Treatment Plant system may experience temporary disruptions in the coming days.

Acting Chief Operating Officer Samuela Rokovaleusa has revealed that WAF’s Tamavua system continues to experience critical levels of raw water sources.

Rokovaleusa says out of the six main raw water sources, including rivers and streams, five have reached critical levels.

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He also says the Waimanu River water level has reached a critical point; however, the cofferdam, which is a temporary measure at the water source, has retained a level within the safe yield.

[Source: Water Authority of Fiji / Facebook]

He adds that rainfall in the past few days has had very little impact on the water levels. However, this should recede even more if no significant rainfall is recorded in the next few days.

[Source: Water Authority of Fiji / Facebook]

The Acting Chief Operating Officer says the decrease in the raw water sources directly impacts water production efforts, which, in turn, causes reservoir levels to deplete.

Rokovaleusa says the WAF Hydrology Team is actively monitoring the situation at the main raw water sources.

[Source: Water Authority of Fiji / Facebook]

WAF urges customers to be water-wise and always store adequate amounts of water to sustain a household for at least two days.