
WAF implements measures amid dry spell impact

August 22, 2024 7:00 am

[File Photo]

The Water Authority of Fiji is actively monitoring the ongoing dry spell’s impact on the water supply.

According to the Acting Chief Operating Officer, Samuela Rokovaleusa, the dry weather conditions, coupled with reduced rainfall, have significantly affected most of the raw water sources WAF relies on.

He says the prolonged dry spell is disrupting the natural life cycle necessary for recharging these vital water sources.

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He adds the WAF is implementing vigilant monitoring of valve operations and pump stations and establishing temporary cofferdams to maintain water levels in affected areas.

Rokovaleusa emphasized the importance of water conservation during this period.

“We plead to our customers to be water wise and use water on requirement to meet basic needs and hygiene. WAF will continue to monitor water levels and gauge water carting to areas affected, focusing on businesses that provide essential services. Valve operations or water rationing to areas will be carried out only if the situation worsens.”

Rokovaleusa says the public is encouraged to stay informed about the water situation and to support conservation efforts as the nation navigates the impact of the ongoing dry spell.