
WAF corporatization to resolve infrastructure issues

July 3, 2024 4:42 pm

The coalition government insists that corporatizing the Water Authority of Fiji will solve infrastructure issues and permanently end water supply problems in major urban centers.

Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad believes that many people will not mind paying more for reliable water supply.

Prasad also says this move will allow WAF to set its own tariffs, assuring that the government will still protect the vulnerable.

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According to the Finance Minister, once the Water Authority becomes autonomous, it will be able to generate sufficient income to manage its own operations.

“Giving it a commercial objective and process to ensure that WAF earns enough revenue so that it is able to invest in water infrastructure that will bring closure to all these disruptions.”

Opposition MP and Former Infrastructure Minister Jone Usamate agrees with the move but urges the government to consider the plight of vulnerable people.

“This is going to be fairly difficult because you know water is a central commodity for most families in Fiji. I think overtime it will have to go down this particular road of which it becomes corporatize but at the same time government will have to ensure it supports the most marginalized. At the moment the people that have the least income the cost of water for them is subsidized and government will have to ensure that continues.”

The Finance Minister has reassured that government support will continue which include subsidizing water bills with families earning $30,000 or less.

The government plans to initiate the process of corporatizing the Water Authority within the next six months.