
WAF addresses water supply challenges

May 15, 2024 6:15 am

The Water Authority of Fiji acknowledges the challenges regarding water supply in the elevated areas of Sakoca in Khalsa Road.

These elevated regions have experienced significant population growth over the past decade, placing considerable strain on the Tamavua Water Supply System.

In response to claims made by Opposition MP Penioni Ravunawa who asserts that continuous water cuts in Sakoca have become unbearable and unacceptable, WAF released a statement to FBC News refuting any suggestion that residents are left completely without water.

Over the years, WAF states they have has provided alternative options including water carting relief and the installation of communal water tanks in the Sakoca vicinity.

WAF is undertaking an expansion project to address these challenges. This project involves laying an additional pipeline and constructing a pumping station to connect Sawani to Colo-i-Suva.

Once completed, this infrastructure will facilitate the transfer of treated water from the Viria Water Supply System, thereby increasing the volume of water available to areas experiencing intermittent supply issues in Sakoca.