
Vosarogo highlights government funding opportunities

July 18, 2024 10:54 am

[Source: File Photo]

Minister Filimoni Vosarogo reminded the Bua Provincial Council to be proactive in bidding for government support.

Speaking at the Bua Provincial Council meeting, Vosarogo says the new national budget has grants to support rural development, and it is up to the 14 provinces to apply for funding.

He says only those who apply first will get a share of the pie.

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Vosarogo says millions of dollars are available for rural projects, and leaders must proactively pursue the grants.

“As I mention, there are 13 other provinces that are equally going to be applying for this budget, so I think that application would be either on a first come, first served basis or on the basis of which one is more urgent than others, but it still drives the point: if you want a piece of the pie, you’re going to have to put your case first.”

Vosarago adds that the focus now is for the North Commissioner’s office, PA’s office, and Roko Tui’s office in all three province councils in Vanua Levu to really knuckle down the details of the budget book and then identify the need that is on the ground and then correlate that with what is in the book.

Meanwhile, the 2024/2025 budget will be effective from August 1st, 2024, with programs including farmacess roads, the Dalo and Kava projects, water and sanitation projects, rural housing, and rural road upgrades that could benefit provinces and those in rural communities.