
Vosarogo apologizes for delay in Namosi Joint Venture meeting

December 20, 2023 12:30 pm

Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Filimoni Vosarogo has issued an apology to the Vanua o Nabukebuke for the delay in convening a meeting to address concerns related to the Namosi Joint Venture issue.

During a meeting at the Namosi Provincial Council House in Navua this morning, Vosarogo expressed regret over the previously unsuccessful attempts to organize the meeting, citing various reasons for the delays.

Vosarogo assured the landowners that the Ministry is now fully prepared to listen to their perspectives before making any final decisions.

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Emphasizing the government’s commitment to consultation, he highlighted the importance of hearing from the people as a crucial step in the development process.

Acknowledging the receipt of a letter from landowners opposing the renewal of the Namosi Joint Venture Special Prospecting License, Vosarogo affirmed the significance of the meeting as a platform for understanding the concerns and viewpoints of the local community.

The Namosi Joint Venture SPL, initially scheduled for renewal in August is currently on hold.

The meeting is anticipated to facilitate open dialogue and provide insights that will inform decisions related to the Namosi Joint Venture issue.