
Villagers reclaim land in historic Buy-Back Scheme

June 27, 2024 4:45 pm

The Bitolevu clan of the Naculava tribe in the village of Namaqumaqua in Serua witnessed a significant milestone today as the Ministry of Lands officially returned 43 acres of land to the village under the coalition government’s first Buy-Back Scheme.

This land had been under government’s control for decades.

Minister, Filimoni Vosarogo, says this transfer marks a crucial step towards enhancing the village’s financial stability, as the reclaimed land is expected to generate income for the community.

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Speaking on behalf of the Prime Minister and the government, Vosarogo commended the efforts of the Namaqumaqua villagers in securing the 43 acres from the land bank.

“This is a step in the right direction. The Freehold Buy-Back Scheme was established in the 1980s. The Prime Minister, who was in office then as well, initiated this scheme to help landowners regain their land.”

Vosarogo says this positive move by the Namaqumaqua village serves as a challenge and an example for other Yavusa to follow, demonstrating the value of maintaining a truthful partnership with the government over the past 30 years.

The villagers of Namaqumaqua in Serua

The reclaimed 43 acres are located just meters away from the village and had remained idle under government control.

The village paid a total of $250,000 since 1995 for 30 years in order to reclaim the land.

The villagers now plan to cultivate the land to maximize its potential and generate significant returns for the community.