
Vendors want pedestrian crossing

August 8, 2024 4:01 pm

The Labasa Fish Vendors Association, which consists of 50 members, is requesting authorities to construct a proper pedestrian crossing or road humps before the Labasa town bridge near the fish market for public accessibility.

Penina Vaka, a longtime fish vendor, claims they have raised numerous concerns with the Labasa Town Council about the dangers, but no action has been taken.

Currently, there is no proper pedestrian crossing between the Labasa Fish Market and the shopping complex adjacent.

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“Five people were hit by vehicles while trying to cross, and it is very concerning. We need urgent action to at least construction humps or even railings to alert drivers to slow down when approaching this busy spot. This will help the pedestrian access the fish market easily.”

Vaka claims that the council and relevant authorities seem to be waiting for a life to be lost rather than taking action on creating a pedestrian crossing.

Meanwhile, the Labasa Town Council confirms that talk is underway with other government ministries on alternative plans for the pedestrian crossing.

This as the Fiji Roads Authority has given its advice that no crossing can be put before a bridge.