
Vanawalu urges unified action against drug abuse

July 2, 2024 3:04 pm

[Source: Ministry of Education FIJI/ Facebook]

Assistant Minister for Education, Iliesa Vanawalu, stresses that through a united front in education and awareness programs, they can prevent drug abuse.

Vanawalu is urging all sectors of society to join forces in the war against drugs.

He made the comments during the launch of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Week.

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The theme for this year is, “Be responsible, make the right choice and stay away from drugs.”

Vanawalu says the theme serves as a crucial reminder of personal responsibility and the long-term impacts of one’s decisions.

He adds that if a student decides to use or abuse drugs or any other substance now, the cost can range from poor memory, heart and lungs damage, school dropout, unemployment, family problems and many more negative repercussions.

Vanawalu also addressed the alarming statistics from the UNODC World Drug Report 2023, which indicates a global increase in drug use by 23 percent over the last decade.

The Minister stresses that Fiji is not free, and everyone needs to be more vigilant to protect our children and youths from this drug pandemic.

In addition, Vanawalu highlights the critical link between drug use and various health issues, including mental ill-health and the rise in HIV cases due to unsafe drug practices.

In 2022, there were 275 HIV cases reported, and last year, the cases increased to 415.

Vanawalu says this alarming increase is suspected due to the use of drug blue toothing as people share one needle amongst four to five people.

The Assistant Minister commended the ongoing efforts of teachers and parents in safeguarding the future of the youth.

He reminded students that they have only one life, and are responsible for it.