
USP open to discussions

August 15, 2024 7:10 am

The University of the South Pacific

The University of the South Pacific has acknowledged the recent action taken by the Association of the University of the South Pacific Staff, stating that management remains committed to constructive and good-faith dialogue in addressing legitimate staff issues.

Yesterday, members of AUSPS voted in a secret ballot for strike action in an attempt to remove Vice Chancellor Professor Pal Ahluwalia, and USP, in an official statement, says it has been made aware that unofficial numbers account for only 25 percent of Academic and Professional Staff and 28 percent of Administrative and Support Staff.

It states that USP notes with over 1,300 staff across its 12 regional countries, membership of the two unions who participated in the secret ballot accounts for only 41 percent of its total workforce.

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USP says, that notwithstanding these numbers, the USP management remains committed to constructive and good-faith dialogue in addressing legitimate staff issues within the processes and procedures set by its Council and by the employment laws of its respective member countries.

It adds that the University is confident that it will successfully challenge the claims and actions by the two unions concerned, which have been misleading in parts and untrue in others, in accordance with the ERA and associated legal processes.

The institution also highlighted that it has received the support of the USP Students Association towards the VC.

The University says it was made aware of the approval by Fiji’s Office of the Registrar of Trade Unions for the secret ballot action.

It further says it is important to recognize that USP’s Vice-Chancellor and President is appointed by the USP Council, which comprises representatives from all its 12 member countries.

Meanwhile, the VC’s term was extended in the last USP Council meeting last year, and he has recently relocated back to Fiji to resume duties.

Yesterday, the AUSPS confidently told the media that it has achieved its mandate, which is the vote of many union members that will determine their next action.