
USAID and FBDRC explore economic growth opportunities

August 1, 2024 6:20 am

[Source: Fiji Commerce & Employers Federation / Facebook]

The US AID team is currently scoping economic growth with a focus on fiscal trade, investments, and the growth of micro, small, and medium enterprises.

This is being done to enhance public-private partnerships.

The Fiji Business Disaster Resilience Council hosted the US AID team at the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation yesterday to discuss the new USAID Pacific Islands economic growth portfolio.

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John Avila, Kevin Ward, and Olivia Nguyen of USAID met with the Chair of FBDRC, Karunesh Rao, council coordinator, Pricilla Ram, and FCEF Manager of Membership, Research, and Communication, Savenaca Baro.

During the meeting, they discussed opportunities to learn more about FBDRC’s work and looked forward to continuing USAID’s engagement with FCEF.