
US commits $3.42m for Pacific women

October 31, 2023 4:25 pm

[Photo: Supplied]

The United States has committed over $3.42 million to promote Pacific women and girls climate and clean energy leadership.

The project will be piloted by the Pacific Community and will support SPC’s Pacific energy and gender strategic action plan which was launched last year.

Acting Assistant Secretary for the US Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Jennifer Littlejohn says the new project will increase career and income generating opportunities for women and girls in 22 Pacific Island countries.

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Littlejohn says the United States believes that women and girls hold the power to reshape the story of the imminent climate crisis, especially when it comes to its impact on the Pacific region.

“This program it invests in the potential of women and those investments are investments in all of us. By investing in women we can create a win, win situation with positive ripple effects across society.”

Principal Strategic Lead for Pacific Women Mereseini Rakuita emphasizes that this new project aims to boost the presence, involvement, and inclusivity of women in the clean energy industry.

“The journey has been long to put together a strategic action plan to do this work in the pacific and it is really with the assistance of the US government through the Embassy here the recognition for this work and investment which is so much needed that is going into this to unpack that action plan for member countries.”

Rakuita says the Pacific Community has crafted a 10-year action plan called the Pacific Energy Agenda Action Plan, with a focus on advancing the role of women in the clean energy sector.

The United States stands as the inaugural partner in this groundbreaking initiative.