
UNICEF highlights nutrition and health challenges

July 22, 2024 6:37 am

UNICEF Pacific Representative Jonathan Veitch says while under-five mortality rates in the Pacific are generally stable, there are concerning trends.

Veitch and UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell highlighted this while addressing the critical issues of malnutrition and health among children in Fiji and the broader Pacific region.

Veitch states that malnutrition remains a significant issue.

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“If children are not getting the right nutrition early in their lives, their mothers are not breastfeeding them, they’re not able to do so, they’re not able to provide the right healthcare and the right food and nutrition, they don’t have access to clean water and sanitation, they can be vulnerable to early death. That’s something that’s completely avoidable, and we need to work very hard to avoid all under-five mortality and under-five deaths.”

Veitch says UNICEF is working closely with the Ministry of Health to combat these challenges.

“Everybody knows what is happening with diabetes in the country, and that is caused by poor dietary practices and lack of physical activity when you’re young. So if we can get in there early and make sure children are given really good diets, and that mothers and fathers understand that it’s really critical to give them good food when they’re young, we can reduce that burden of NCDs later in life.”

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell says educating parents about proper nutrition and ensuring that children receive the necessary nutrients are vital steps in addressing this problem.