
UN pledges support for Fiji's TRC process

June 27, 2024 10:10 am

UN Resident Coordinator Dirk Wagener (left), Attorney-General Graham Leung [Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

UN Resident Coordinator Dirk Wagener says the reconciliation process in Fiji must be inclusive to avoid politicization and ensure it adds value for the entire population.

Wegner highlighted the UN’s proactive involvement following the Fijian Government’s request for assistance in the TRC process.

During his meeting with Attorney-General Graham Leung, Wagener says UN will provide technical expertise and best practices to ensure the Truth and Reconciliation Commission process is inclusive and credible.

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Wagener outlined the UN’s two areas of support adding that social cohesion remains a priority.

The AG says these initiatives take time and funds.

Leung adds a multipronged approach to peacebuilding is important as there is no silver bullet to achieving sustainable peace.