
Turaga calls for review of police blacklist procedures

June 29, 2024 4:13 pm

Justice Minister Siromi Turaga has emphasized the importance of conducting a thorough examination of the standards and processes by which people are added to the Police Blacklist.

Turaga highlighted this following a meeting with Acting Commissioner of Police, Juki Fong Chew, today.

The discussions centered on ensuring justice, openness, and that everyone impacted is treated with dignity and respect.

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[Source: Fiji Police Force/ Facebook]

The importance of clear communication between the public and the police was emphasized.

Efforts will be made to raise public awareness of the consequences of being placed on the blacklist and the channels through which one can request a review.

The Minister for Justice and the Acting Commissioner of Police reiterated their dedication to ensuring that Fiji’s legal system functions with impartiality, equity, and dignity for every person.

[Source: Fiji Police Force/ Facebook]

They also recognized the value of community trust and its significance for efficient law enforcement and national security.

A working group will be formed to create policy proposals for enhancing the current system.

This group will include representatives from the Fiji Police Force, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Office of the Solicitor General.