
Treat migrant workers fairly: Tikoduadua

November 8, 2023 12:42 pm

Immigration Minister Pio Tikoduadua

Government will come down hard on employers who exploit migrant workers and treat them like slaves.

Immigration Minister Pio Tikoduadua warns there is no slavery in Fiji as we have signed the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and their Families in 2019 to avoid this.

Tikoduadua adds Fiji’s laws and Constitution give migrant workers the rights and the Ministry will continue to enforce these, particularly on employers who exploit migrant workers through forced labour, human trafficking and labour exploitation.

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“No employer must think that they can bring migrants or people from abroad to work for them at the cost of their human rights and what not because we are not about those things.”

Tikoduadua says certain cases in Fiji have been discovered that amount to slavery and the Ministry will go to the full extent of the law to take those responsible to task.

The Minister says he would hate to believe that some people who come here, use migrant workers in the name of business for the advantage of making a profit, come at a cost to the those people they bring here.