
Traditional governance decline linked to rising drug issues

August 9, 2024 4:36 pm

The spread of drugs within the i-Taukei communities has worsened by cracks in the societal structure, warns Minister for Itaukei Affairs, Ifereimi Vasu.

Addressing parliament on the issue of drug infiltration in the Vanua, Vasu emphasized that the weakening of traditional governance has allowed drug problems to thrive unchecked in both urban and rural areas.

Vasu highlighted that the government and police were quick to recognize the extent of the damage drugs have caused, not only in urban environments but also within i-Taukei communities.

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He noted that the decline of traditional Vanua governance in recent years has played a significant role in this crisis, with many accusing Vanua of negligence in failing to address the issue.

“Drugs in the Vanua are a massive problem and require a comprehensive approach.”

Vasu says the government has adopted a proactive strategy, with the Vanua leaders visiting villages to fill vacant traditional titles—a move that was traditionally only undertaken during title disputes.

Filling vacant traditional titles is seen as a crucial step in combating the drug problem, but Vasu stressed that it is just the beginning.

The government plans to follow up with training programs for traditional leaders to ensure they are actively engaged in the fight against drugs.