Businesses in Labasa town are frustrated with the ongoing drainage issues that are affecting their operations.
Continuous heavy rain for a few hours in the past weeks flooded the back street of the main town, and operators claim their complaints are being ignored.
Matuuk Motors Limited Director Maaz Mohammed claims the business lost more than $20K due to damage caused by rainwater over the weekend and is blaming the Fiji Roads Authority for its inaction.
“They have never turned up; they never even came and just had a look at what’s happening here. There is about two feet of soil above the culvert line, which already blocks the culvert, and there is no way for the water to get out and make its way. So, we are having lots of problems here.”
Labasa Town Council Special Administrator Chair Paul Jaduram has stated that it’s no longer their responsibility, as road and drain upgrades now come under the Fiji Roads Authority.
“FRA is in charge of clearing all underground culverts, and as far as I know, there’s nothing being done now because the last government has changed the whole structure, as now the FRA is responsible for cleaning all underground culverts, and the open drain is cleaning done by our contractors.”
Another business operator, Satish Kumar, has also called on the government to seriously look into the matter concerning business communities in Labasa, as they can no longer afford to continue facing the same issue in this new year.
Meanwhile, questions have been sent to the Fiji Roads Authority on the matter, and it is awaiting a response.