
Tech boost a major worry for gender-based violence

July 31, 2024 12:29 pm

[Source: FWCC/ Facebook]

Technology-facilitated gender-based violence is a growing concern that is hindering the fight to end all forms of violence against women and girls in Fiji and the Pacific.

Fiji Women’s Crisis Center Coordinator Shamima Ali highlighted this during the regional workshop currently underway in Suva.

Ali says they have been calling for further resources, such as adequate funding for the Online Commission, which is currently lacking.

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She states that the government and its stakeholders should shoulder responsibility to address this issue.

The FWCC Coordinator says that reports of violence against women and girls continue to increase.

“It is getting very, very serious. Online bullying, the online blackmailing, doxing, all those things. And we’re getting a lot of reports and a lot of the women will be sharing. We have a full session on it in two weeks.”

Ali emphasizes that strong legislation and enforcement are absent to address this growing concern.

She says that experts will be also presenting at the training workshop to talk about it and conceptualize ways at how to strengthen legislation online violence.

Ali adds that Fiji has an Online Commission, but it is quite toothless because it isn’t properly resourced.

FWCC notes that with the advancement of technology, abuse and violence are becoming more complex and they are advocating for more checks and balances to address these issues.