
Taito advocates for landowner-driven businesses

July 31, 2024 11:23 am

The iTaukei Trust Fund has urged iTaukei landowners to shift their mentality from leasing their land to others to using it to start their own businesses.

Speaking at the National Resources Forum iTaukei Trust Fund Chief Executive Aisake Taito emphasized the need for landowners to take control of their resources to generate income and ensure long-term prosperity.

He highlighted that much of the land owned by iTaukei people is currently leased out and suggested that this practice should be reviewed.

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“Right now, as landowners, you have to lease your own land and not give it to others to lease it because we can’t extend land. We can extend a house, we can get cars, but we cannot expand our land that we rightfully own. We have to start thinking that way.”

Taito advocated for the establishment of landowner-owned companies to better utilize these resources and create more income-generating activities.

To support this vision, Taito mentioned the awareness initiatives started last year aimed at educating landowners on obtaining financial assistance for their businesses.

He stressed the importance of leveraging these programs to empower iTaukei communities.

“You can see that iTaukei institutions have started working together as part of the Solesolevaki programme to help the iTaukei communities. In previous years, we worked our own ways to help achieve our target as part of the Ministry of iTaukei’s mandate.”

Taito emphasized the importance of training and empowering landowners to understand legislation and tax requirements, crucial elements in establishing and running successful businesses.