
Tabuya highlights women’s issues

July 23, 2024 3:19 pm

[Source: Fiji Government / Facebook]

Women and girls in Fiji continue to face significant challenges with gender-based violence, economic empowerment, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Minister for Women, Lynda Tabuya, currently participating in the 15th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women in the Marshall Islands, emphasizes that gender-based violence remains a prevalent issue, impacting the safety, health, and well-being of women and girls.

Despite efforts, many still experience abuse, which hinders their ability to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to their communities.

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Tabuya also highlights the importance of amplifying voices and finding solutions to address these enduring challenges.

“And women, of course, women speak up. When we come together as a group of Pacific women, our voices can be louder. We’ve seen the legacy of women that have gone before us, women who have passed on, who have fought, who have spoken up, and this is a huge responsibility on me and the women who are here to do the same, no matter what the issue is.”

Tabuya also stresses the need for developing actionable plans and advocating for policies that promote gender equality and empower women and girls.