
Tabuya dismisses resignation demands

August 30, 2024 6:30 am

Ketan Lal (left), Lynda Tabuya, Mahendra Chaudhry and Savenaca Narube

Minister for Women Children and Social Protection Lynda Tabuya has firmly stated that losing her job over her recent comments would be a price worth paying.

Her statement comes in response to calls for her resignation from Cabinet made by Labour Party Leader , Unity Fiji Party Leader Savenaca Narube and Independent MP Ketan Lal.

The controversy arose after Tabuya advocated for the death penalty for drug traffickers.

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She accused Chaudhary and Narube of enabling drug cartels and criticized their stance as being out of touch with the realities facing Fiji.

In a statement released last night, Tabuya expressed disappointment that the three rather than supporting her efforts to protect Fijian children and youth have chosen to align themselves with those she describes as apologists for drug traffickers.

Tabuya says that her role as Minister for Children and vulnerable groups requires her to explore all possible measures to safeguard the country from the growing threat of drugs.

She reiterated her commitment to ensuring a national conversation on protecting Fijians particularly children from the dangers of drugs and those who profit from them.

Tabuya is urging Chaudhry, Narube and Lal to focus on the issue rather than attacking her personally and to demonstrate their leadership by engaging in public debate.