
Sun insurances listing boosts exchange market

August 17, 2024 7:20 am

[Source: SUN Insurance / Facebook]

The official listing of Sun Insurance on South Pacific Stock Exchange follows a successful Initial public offering of 7 million shares by the company and 120 million Ordinary Shares.

President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere rang the ceremonial bell which is a tradition that marked SUN’s listing on Fijian exchange market.

Ratu Wiliame says that Capital markets are crucial in boosting economic growth, stimulating innovation, and creating more opportunities

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Sun Insurance’s efforts to community engagement is has been commended.

From sponsoring educational programs and sporting events, to supporting health initiatives and disaster relief efforts, Sun Insurance has consistently demonstrated its commitment and instilling national pride.

The Chair of the South Pacific Stock Exchange Nitin Gandhi says that this new listing will provide opportunities for economic growth.

Gandhi states that this listing will involves building a sustainable business that prioritizes transparency, ethical governance and strategic growth.

He states the SPX opens up new opportunities for Sun Insurance to pursue strategic initiatives and drive growth and profitability.

Gandhi states that this new inclusion will add more value to their stock markets and will encourage more exchanges.

He is optimistic this will be the first of many new listings in the next 12 to 24 months.

The chair of the SPX says that the inclusion of Sun Insurance is set to increase our market capitalization of approximately 4%, adding value added to our markets.

Gandhi states they are committed to supporting listed companies in maintaining these standards and ensuring the market remains a place where investor interests are protected and transparency is paramount.