
Study needed in TVET sector

April 17, 2023 7:19 am

Minister for Employment Agni Deo Singh says there is a need for thorough research and study in the technical and vocational educational and training sectors.

Speaking at the 2023 National TVET Forum recently, Singh says this way they will be able to identify key issues and work on solving them accordingly.

He says relevant and effective programs, employer feedback on graduates and requirements, and market demands are factors that also need to be considered.

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“Or is there, or do we have a history of not producing the right kind of products from our institution? Have we done some research? Have we got any feedback from the employees? What kind of products did we from the years we had when these technical colleges closed? Has anybody tried to find out how many of them there are employed? And have we found out from the employers whether they were work-ready when they got into those jobs.”

Singh says there is also a need for a change in perception to attract more students to the trade sector.