
Strategy to detail roles of various agencies

June 23, 2024 4:42 pm

The inclusion of the Republic of Fiji Military Force in the fight against drugs will depend on the National Counter Narcotics Strategy 2023–2028.

This has been highlighted by Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka while speaking on the strategy, which will be launched on Wednesday.

Rabuka states that the strategy will outline who will participate in the task force to reduce drug use and trafficking.

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The strategy will detail the roles and responsibilities of various agencies, ensuring a unified and effective response to the drug issue.

“It will all depend on the strategy. First of all, the bureau and the strategy to tackle the problem that we now have. Whoever will be participating in the task force to try and decrease the incidence of drug use and drug trafficking will be decided on by the bureau.”

Rabuka adds that the government is committed to tackling drug-related issues through strategic planning and collaboration.

He adds that action should have been taken before, but the increasing number of drug raids is concerning.