
Strategy targets drug issues

September 22, 2024 4:20 pm

The Fiji Police Force is prioritizing efforts to enhance its responsiveness, particularly in law enforcement and drug control.

This will be accomplished through the implementation of the National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050, which outline strategies to strengthen the force’s role in drug prevention and enforcement.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Aporosa Lutunauga emphasizes the plan’s potential to address critical challenges, particularly drug-related issues.

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He also expresses the force’s eagerness to operationalize the plan.

“All the challenging issues of the Fiji Police are now dovetailing with this plan, regarding what is needed, what the gaps are, what resources we require, and the strategies Fiji must implement, especially concerning law and order.”

Lutunauga adds that key areas of focus include capacity-building and enhancing the force’s capabilities.