
Another stop work order on the Great Han Residential Development

September 25, 2024 11:25 am

Great Han Residential Development

The Department of Environment has issued another stop work order on the Great Han Residential Development on Princess Road in Samabula.

In a statement, the Department says they were made aware on 5th September of the uplifting of the stop work order on the Great Han Residential Development, on Princess Road, by the Suva City Council

It says in light of this information, the Department of Environment conducted its own investigation processes and met with the respective parties, to determine whether the uplifting of the stop work order notice was in line with the Department’s position.

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The Department says it was established that Great Han had not complied with the SCCs uplift decision, which had indicated that Great Han can only proceed if the requirements of the Department of Environment were met as per the decline decision.

Further to that, the Department undertook due processes and issued stop work order yesterday as per Section 43 of the Environment Management Act 2005.