
Stakeholders unite to alleviate water crisis in Vutia District

May 11, 2024 12:42 pm

[Source: Human Rights Commission Fiji/ Facebook]

The District of Vutia in the Province of Rewa has been deprived of reliable access to water for over three decades, dispossessed of a necessity in life.

In an effort to alleviate the long-standing challenge, Fiji’s Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission has collaborated with its development partners to identify a solution for the three villages in the remote district.

Vutia District Council, Chair, Uraia Waibuta says they are grateful for the initiative as they have been in search of a solution for far too long.

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Waibuta says they have highlighted their situation in various platforms, and stakeholders are eventually paying attention to their plight.

[Source: Human Rights Commission Fiji/ Facebook]

“The discussion today is really talking to the very people that is facing the problem. So issues they have raised, and the answers coming out from the key stakeholders from Water Authority, I know had addressed and had clarified what needs to be done.”

Waibuta adds there are greater consequences if the issue is not resolved at the earliest.

“If water is the challenge, if it is not addressed, then it will have its implications on other identified strategic areas as mentioned in the strategic plan.”

[Source: Human Rights Commission Fiji/ Facebook]

The government, through the Water Authority of Fiji, is steadfast in their plan to improve access to water for the District of Vutia.

WAF Design Engineer, Semisi Nakavulevu says that to source water from the Viria Water Treatment Plant is an immediate action to solve the issue.

The first-ever Human Rights Community-led Development Project in the District of Vutia, Rewa is supported by Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions and the Pacific Community.